Lawsuits seem to have surpassed baseball as our national pastime, with a lawsuit reportedly filed in this country approximately every six seconds. Unfortunately, lawsuits tend to be filed against “the haves” rather than the “have-nots,” so people with even modest estates can be prey to all sorts of court claims, real or bogus, no fully covered by insurance, such as relating to an alleged:

  • Personal injury, such as a car accident or a slip and fall at your home, business or rental property
  • Personal or business debt
  • Rental property tenant claim
  • Malpractice or error in your profession
  • Liability as partner, officer, director or board member
  • Guarantee of another’s debt

Additionally, your assets could be exposed to a divorce or greedy in-laws, reducing the amount available to your children or any loved one of your choosing!

“We have been your customer for many, many years. We have been happy with your firm from the very first day. We have put our trust in you to make sure all will be fine for our family when needed. This is the most important time in our lives. Our planning. Thank you once again.” – Ivan B.

Proper Estate Planning Can Protect You And Your Beneficiaries

Fortunately, proper advance planning can help place strong defensive shields around your assets that may not only dissuade those thinking about suing you but also give you considerable leverage to settle matters at pennies on the dollar.

At The Law Firm of Kavesh, Minor & Otis, Inc., our lawyers and “of counsel” associates stay ahead of the curve on providing clients with advanced level planning strategies (such as the Irrevocable Trust, Personal Residence Trust, FLP, LLC, DAPT or GRAT) that offer significant asset protection. At our free seminars, we will help you understand the “how” and “why” of taking action to protect yourself and the future beneficiaries of your estate.

Put Our Experience And Resources to Work For Your Estate

Our firm has been helping individuals and families throughout Southern California for four decades. There are seemingly endless opportunities for cheap and simple estate planning. You want – and deserve – planning that will work! We invite you to attend a free seminar and learn why our expertise and resources can make the difference in preventing your estate plan from turning into a ticking time bomb.

Philip J. Kavesh
Helping clients with customized estate planning guidance and trust & estate administration for over 44 years.