Why Can't I Speak With My Parent's Attorney About His or Her Estate Plan? | California Estate Planning Lawyer
The estate planning process is generally perceived by parents and their loved ones as a "family affair."  Often, adult children help their parents put together the necessary paperwork to bring to the attorney meeting, take them to the meeting, and even want to participate in the discussion.
However, the attorney-client relationship with the parents is unique, with particular confidentiality and other limitations to which the attorney is bound and must adhere.  Juggling the involvement of children in the estate plan process is a delicate balancing act.  
In this free report, experienced California Estate Planning Lawyer Phil Kavesh explains why children often aren't permitted to speak with their parent's lawyer about the parent's estate plan and how children may successfully overcome this apparent roadblock.  

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Philip J. Kavesh
Nationally recognized attorney helping clients with customized estate planning guidance for over 40 years.