The focus on senior years is often on nursing homes. However, assisted living can be an option. That option must be chosen carefully.
Assisted living facilities are often quite expensive and there is a cheaper option as the Motley Fool discusses in “Is Cruise Ship Living a Cheaper Option for Seniors Than Assisted Living?“
The average cost of an assisted living facility is around $45,000 a year. As it turns out, seniors can live on a cruise ship, if they want, for approximately $10,000 less per year.
Cruise ships also have much of the same assistance available as assisted living facilities. The ships prepare meals and assist with laundry, for example.
This does not mean seniors should live on cruise ships instead of in assisted living facilities. It does mean, however, that seniors need to be very careful in scrutinizing assisted living facilities, so they know what they will have to pay and what services are included with the fees.
If a particular facility cannot offer better service than a cruise ship at an affordable price then it might be a good idea to look for a different one.