While it may be of sentimental value to you, it could make it difficult for your heirs when you ask to have your ashes spread at a Disney theme park.

The Disney theme parks use code words to describe common occurrences. One of them is “white powder event.” But that doesn’t mean drug deal, according to The Sun in “Be Our Guest The secret code Disney theme park staff use to describe the rudest visitors — so have YOU been called it?

“White powder event” is used to refer to someone attempting to spread the ashes of their deceased loved one at the parks.

This is something of a trend in funeral requests to have ashes spread at places the deceased loved. It happens at sports stadiums, concert halls and theme parks.

Unfortunately, it is inappropriate and normally against the law.

If you would like your ashes spread somewhere after you pass away, talk to your estate planning attorney to make sure that your request is not improper or illegal.

Philip J. Kavesh
Helping clients with customized estate planning guidance and trust & estate administration for over 44 years.
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