In a day and age where consumers are inundated with information and options for quickie, low-priced online or do-it-yourself estate plans, it can be difficult to know what’s best for you or your family.
Think about this. You have probably spent a great deal of your lifetime saving up and preserving the wealth you’ve accumulated for your family. Wouldn’t it not be worth some small, additional time to research and consider how to best protect, preserve, manage and distribute that wealth if something were to happen to you? Estate planning is far more than a stack of legal documents. There’s a great deal of counseling and advising that goes into each and every plan when done by a specialized and experienced estate planning attorney.
Also, don’t you want the comfort of knowing that you have a law firm that will be there when the time comes to help you or your family? This is the comfort and peace of mind that we at the Law Firm of Kavesh, Minor & Otis have been able to provide to our clients.
Whether you have a Living Trust or not, we invite you to find out more about this and how a properly built and maintained estate plan—built upon 43+ years of experience and expertise—can help you and your loved ones protect your family’s wealth and hard-earned assets. Attend one of our upcoming FREE seminars for more information or give us a call at 1-800-756-5596.