“Where there’s a Will, there’s a… PROBATE!"
In our Living Trust seminar, we talk about how Probate is entirely avoidable with proper estate planning. It requires both a Living Trust (and a Will for backup only). The Trust requires proper maintenance and updating to ensure it has been properly funded (assets retitled into the name of the trust) so that you and your heirs can avoid the expensive, lengthy and aggravating California probate process.
Recently, a USA Today article highlighted the fact that most Americans truly don’t understand how much time and expense goes into the Probate process. READ MORE
In California, Probate fees are calculated based on the estate's gross value, starting at 4% for the first $100,000, 3% for the next $100,000, 2% for the following $800,000, 1% for the next $9 million, and 0.5% for the next $15 million. What this means that if your total net worth totaled $1 million, Probate would end up costing your loved ones $23,000! Keep in mind, this doesn’t count any legal fees paid to an attorney!
You can see how and why even a modest estate in California would benefit from a properly drafted and maintained Living Trust.
If you or someone you know hasn’t set up a Living Trust-centered estate plan (or haven’t had it reviewed in 3 years or more), please attend one of our upcoming free seminars to qualify for a free attorney consultation and a fee discount. Register online or call our office NOW at 1-800-756-5596.