To plan for the vacation home, as with the family home, the family business, or anything truly precious, it pays to plan openly with your family and to plan decisively. Some family members may not want the house, and some might not be able to keep the house even if you gave it to them. On the other hand, perhaps everyone wants it.

Having an open discussion within the family, or even just one member at a time, allows you to uncover whether what they want is what you want for them and vice versa. After conducting your research, design and implement your plan. Once everything is in place and the ink has dried, then inform them of your plan and stick to it.

Some legal tools to consider include trusts, like a QPRT (Qualified Personal Residence Trust), or perhaps formal business entities to own the vacation home and share it amongst your heirs. There is a lot of room for creativity.

Take a look at the original article and begin exploring this subject with your family. Regardless, be sure to enjoy the rest of these warm summer days wherever your family vacation home is.

Philip J. Kavesh
Nationally recognized attorney helping clients with customized estate planning guidance for over 40 years.
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