Oftentimes a trust arrangement is an excellent solution for wealth transfers to a younger generation, whether funded now with gifting or later on through inheritance. With a trust you can, with far more particularity and power, articulate both your concrete hopes and goals as well as spell out the specific limitations behind the gift or inheritance. In addition, you may appoint a trustee to stand by and oversee the whole process in your stead.

If you want to ensure that your transfers are a blessing and not a curse, then it will take some legal work to get it right. You will need competent counsel to help you sort through the many legal options available and to chart a course to get there. Ultimately, however, before engaging such counsel, take time to consider your heirs, review your assets and consider your wealth transfer goals for both.

Philip J. Kavesh
Helping clients with customized estate planning guidance and trust & estate administration for over 44 years.
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