Wealthy people can expect to live a lot longer than previous generations, according to an article in Financial Advisor, titled “Want To Live Forever?“
The idea of immortality has long been a dream of humans, and now funding endeavors to defeat death and aging has become a pet project of some Silicon Valley billionaires. However, the process of cell division and regeneration in humans would seem to make it unlikely that immortality will be achieved within our lifetimes.
But wealthy people are in fact creating comprehensive health and longevity plans. Their wealth allows them to take advantage of elite health care concierge plans and the latest advancements in medical science in the hopes of prolonging their lives.
The advancements the wealthy are funding will most likely trickle down to those less wealthy eventually, making it so everyone lives much longer. However, as actually becoming immortal is so far off for humans, no one should think they can prolong their lives for so long that they do not need to get an estate plan.
Since at this point in human existence we will pass away, an estate plan remains a good idea.