Our library articles contain vital information on living trusts, asset protection, incapacity planning, and probate requirements for California residents. Learn about what you must do, documents you will need, and deadlines you must meet in our online library.
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Your DocuBank Card can now hold your Medical SnapshotAs a client of our firm, you received a DocuBank Emergency Card when you completed or upgraded your estate plan. We gave you this card to protect you.
Refinancing a Real Estate Mortgage? Watch Out!Two of the main reasons you set up your Living Trust (or probably should) are to avoid a court procedure called Conservatorship when you're...
Refinancing a Real Estate Mortgage? Watch Out! - September 2018 NewsletterTwo of the main reasons you set up your Living Trust (or probably should) are to avoid a court procedure called Conservatorship when you're incapacitated and another called Probate when you pass away. Both threaten unwanted interference into your and your loved ones' personal matters, as well as lots of red tape, delays, expenses and the exposure of your private business to unscrupulous third parties.
If You Haven't Received Your New Medicare Card Yet, You Better Read This... - August 2018 NewsletterIn previous articles, I addressed how seniors are needlessly exposed to financial scams because their Social Security number is on their Medicare Card and how the Social Security Administration is working to avoid this by issuing new cards containing random identification numbers. I thought the problem was about taken care of, but now the saga continues... with yet a new debacle I call "Medicare Card Limbo"! (To see the previous articles, click the following links 1st Medicare Card article and 2nd Medicare Card article)
If You Haven’t Received Your New Medicare Card Yet, You Better Read This…In previous articles, I addressed how seniors are needlessly exposed to financial scams because their Social Security number is on their Medicare Card...
The Top 10 Scams Targeting SeniorsThe U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging has issued a new report, Fighting Fraud: Senate Aging Committee Identifies Top 10 Scams Targeting Seniors.
The Top 10 Scams Targeting Seniors - July 2018 NewsletterThe U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging has issued a new report, Fighting Fraud: Senate Aging Committee Identifies Top 10 Scams Targeting our Nation's Seniors. The report is based on the complaints received by the committee's national fraud hotline, 855-303-9470.
Happy (Grand)Father's Day!In June of each year, we celebrate Father's Day, a wonderful, befitting thank you to our fathers. But rarely do we think back about and celebrate our ...
Happy (Grand)Father's Day! - June 2018 NewsletterIn June of each year, we celebrate Father's Day, a wonderful, befitting thank you to our fathers. But rarely do we think back about and celebrate our grandfathers or great-grandfathers - - our more ancient predecessors without whom we would not be here today.
"What's In Your Wallet?" (Part 2)Back in May of 2017, we warned you about some of the scams that seniors are exposed to because the Medicare Card, which you are...
Check Out Our New Website and Win a $5 Starbuck's Card! - May 2018 NewsletterOur law firm's website (www.kaveshlaw.com) has undergone some major renovations, after taking into consideration the feedback from many of our clients.
Should You Worry About Estate Taxes Any More? - April 2018 NewsletterMost people believe that estate taxes are now gone and there's simply no need to do any special planning beyond the Living Trust. Wrong!